Your Personal Quit Smoking Program

Three one-on-one sessions, tailored to your specific circumstances. Delivered online through video communications. Or even a phone, although you may not get as good results if I cannot see you.

After you buy, you’ll receive an email with a link to a zoom meeting at the appointed hour. If you prefer some other means of communication, just send a reply email and we will sort something out



Three one-on-one sessions, tailored to your specific circumstances. Delivered online through video communications. Or even a phone, although you may not get as good results if I cannot see you.

After you buy, you’ll receive an email with a link to a zoom meeting at the appointed hour. If you prefer some other means of communication, just send a reply email and we will sort something out.

While it is impossible to say exactly what we will do during your sessions, since that will depend on your situation, typically it will include working through your perceptions around smoking, changing your habits and giving you a tool that you can use to minimize any withdrawal symptoms. Then we’ll implement it inside your own mind in a way that works for you, then going deep down inside your mind to find exactly what is driving you to smoke, and rerouting it to something more useful for you.

We cannot give any guarantees with this service as we don’t know you and our time is consumed by providing the service. When you go to a doctor, you hope that they will be able to fix you, but you also accept that they might not, and you still pay. This is like that. You are buying our expertise in hypnosis, coaching, and quitting smoking.

When you buy Your Personal Quit Smoking Program, you are buying a program designed to put you back into the driving seat. You are taking back the ability to choose.


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